aya-kobayashi-manita 's 翻訳 Try It !



written by Anna Craybourne and Rebecca Treays.

Usborne Publishing.


Who was Shakespeare?

 William Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet who lived in the late 1500s and early 1600s (around 400 years ago). His plays are now performed all over the world in hundreds of languages, and he is known as one of the greatest writers of all time. The reason his work is so populare is that Shakespeare wrote about human nature and how people behave. That is why, although his words can be hard to understand, his ideas are as relevant now as they were four centuries ago.


 ウィリアム シェイクスピアは、1500年代後半から1600年代前半(およそ400年ほど前)を生きた、イギリスの劇作家であり、詩人です。シェイクスピアが書いた演劇は、今日、世界中で、何百もの言語で演じられており、時代を越えた偉大な劇作家の一人として知られています。シェイクスピアの作品は、人間の本質や、人間の振舞いというものが描かれており、その点が、人気の大きな理由とも言えるでしょう。シェイクスピアの英語は理解するのが難しいのですが、思考は、4世紀前と今とで通じるのですね。

 Shakespear's works

 At least two of Shakespeare's plays have benn lost, but 38 survive. Two of thease, Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen, were co-written with John Fletcher. The other 36 are divided into comedies, tragedies and histories. Shakespeare also wrote poems, including a series of sonnets ( a type of short poem). Nobody knows exactly when each of these works were written. This book includes approximate dates on page 60. Some experts have even said that "Shakespeare's" plays are really the work of other writers, such as Francis Bacon, a philosopher who lived at around the same time. This may be because people cannot believe that Shakespeare, who came from an ordinary background, could have written such great works of literature.



Performing Shakespeare

 Whenever a new production of a Shakespeare Play is staged, directors, designers and actors think of new interpretations, or ways to understand and present it. Plays can be preformed in modern dress, or set in any historical period. Directors sometimes cut or change the text of a play. The same scene can be funny, frightening or exciting, depending on how the stage is set and how the actors say the words. This book shows how theatre companies prepare for Shakespeare productions and looks at some of the ways Shakespeare has been interpreted in the theatre, as well as in films, books and cartoons.



Shakespeare's language

 Language cganges all the time. The way people spoke 400 years ago was different from the way we speak now, and Shakespear's language can be hard to understand. He used many old words like slubber, lustihood and welkin, as well as words such as sad, fell and marry, which have different meanings today. Most editions of Shakespeare's works help by providing notes which explain the meanings of words and phrases. The glossary on page 57 of this book explains some of the more unfamiliar words.








aya-kobayashi-manita 's 翻訳 Try It ! ~pupils with heart~



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