aya-kobayashi-manita 's 翻訳 Try It !


以下、ロンドン ナショナルポートレートギャラリー ホームページより抜粋。

 We tell the story of Britain through portraits, using art to bring history to life and explore living today.


 We look after the world's greatest collection of portraits. Spanning six centuries, our artworks reveal the inspireing and sometimes surprising personal stories that have shaped, and continue to shape a nation - from global icons to local champions, national treaures to unsung heroes.

 当館では、世界最大の肖像画を収蔵しています。6世紀の間、それら肖像画たちは、影響力高い、時に驚くべき個人の話しを語り ー国際的な象徴から、地域に根差した勝者達、国宝級の人々から名も知れぬ勇者達までー そしてそれらは、国のありかたまでをも決定づけ続けてきています。

 We are also passionate about portraiture, always progressing our art form, championing artists and encouraging creativity. We celebrate the power of portraiture to create person-to-person connections and the experiences we provide offer encounters with some of the world's greatest artists as well as the very vest in contemporeary art.


Our story

 The Gallery was founded in 1856 with the aim of collecting portraits of "the most eminent persons in British history". The original Trustees agreed "to look at the celebriti of the person represented rather than the merit of the artist" but also took the view that achievement would sometimes be tempered by human fallibility accepting that "great faults and errors" should not excluded individuals from inclusion.



The role remain the same today - telling the story of the nation through the people who shape it - although we have broadened our understanding of achievement to reflect the diversity and dynamism of contemporary culture.


As we look back at our history, we can see that different ages have celebrated different accomplishuments and values and now our Collection provides a unique way to understand the past through people and the context they lived in the time before widespread access to photography, and to explore their experiences and influence on the nation.


Another important development has been the increasing importance given to art and art history, leading to the Gallery's role as piace to learn about the art of portraiture, promoting an appreciation of the art form, championing artists from all over the world and encouraging creativity. Our collection of over 215,000 portraits and our world-class exhibition programme now showcase the work of some of the world's greatest artists as well as the very best in contemporary art.






aya-kobayashi-manita 's 翻訳 Try It ! ~pupils with heart~



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