aya-kobayashi-manita 's 翻訳 Try It !


The Globe Theatre

 From 1599 onwards, Shakespeare's plays were usually performed at the Globe, a huge, open-air circular theatre in southwark in London. The theatre could hold 3,000 people, and there were two performance a day. Along with other members of his theatre company, the Chamberlain's Men, Shakespeare owned a share in the Globe and made a lot of money from it.


 1599年より、シェイクスピアの演劇は、大抵が、ロンドン サザーク地区にある大きな屋外円形劇場、グローブ座で上演されるようになりました。劇場は3000人の観客を集客でき、1日2回の上演でした。チェンバレンズメン(宮内大臣一座)という劇団の団員たちと共に、シェイクスピアはグローブ座での分け前を得ることができ、それにより、大金を稼ぐことができました。

 The first two Globes

 The Chamberlain's Men originally used a theatre called The Theatre, in north London. But they fell out with the landlord, and in 1599 The Theatre was dismantled and its timbers were moved and used to build the Globe. In 1613, a spark from a cannon fired during a performance of Henry VIII set fire to the thachled roof, and the Globe burned down. (No one was badly hurt.) It was rebuilt with a tiled roof, and stood until 1644, when the Puritans tore it down during the Civil War.




Global language

 Shakespeare sometimes refers to the Globe Theatre in his works. In the Tempest, Prospero speaks of "the great globe itself", and in Henry V, the teatre is called the "wooden O".

 Shakespeare 's writing sometimes may reflect the design og the theatre. Some of the lines in his plays have three parts, or a word repeated three times. At the Globe, lines like these allowed an actor to address the audience on all three sides of the stage, which stuck out into the middle of the yard (see picture).




Rebuilding the Globe

 In 1970, the American actor Sam Wanamaker started a project to rebuild Shakespeare's Globe Theatre near to its original site in London. Now the Globe has been completed. It is an accurate replica of the first one and is built of the same materials - brick, oak wood, thatch, animal hair and putty. It is used for performances of Shakespeare's plays. Safety regulations mean it can hold only half as many people as the original Globe, but it is still one of London's biggest theatres.


 1970年、アメリカ人俳優 サム・ワナメイカーが、グローブ座をロンドンの最初の場所に建て直すという計画を開始させます。現在、グローブ座は完成しました。原型に正確な複製で、同じ素材 - レンガやナラの木、わら、動物の毛、パテ材、が使われています。劇場は、シェイクスピア演劇に使用されます。集客は、もともとのグローブ座のような沢山の観客に比べると、安全面上、半数しか見込めませんが、それでも、まだロンドンにある大きな劇場のひとつに数えられます。

aya-kobayashi-manita 's 翻訳 Try It ! ~pupils with heart~



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