aya-kobayashi-manita 's 翻訳 Try It !

『The CELTIC SAINTS』より抜粋② ~The World of the Celtic Saints~

The World of the Celtic Saints 

 The lives and acts of the Celtic saints cannnot be understood without first looking at the world in which they lived. Southern Britain was part of the western Roman Empire until the early part of the fifth century. Britain had been invaded by Rome in the year 43, the beginning of a war of conquest that led to the subjection of much of the island to Roman rule. A new infrastructure, based upon excellent roads and cities, transformed the level of civilization in a few years. Roman religion was polytheistic, the most important deities including Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Minerva, Mercury, Diana, saturn, Victoria, Vulcan, Neptune, Cerres, Apollo, and Pluto. An important Roman idea adopted in which native goddesses and gods were assimilated into the framework of the newly accepted Roman religion. Thus, the Celtic pantheon was reasserted under Roman patronage. So, Teulates, the god of the clan, became identified with Mars, as were the gods of war and defence, Belutocadros and Cocidius. Sul, the goddess of the hot springs at Bath, was assimilated with the Roman goddess, Minerva, while Rosmerta became the consort of Mercury. Local divinities of holy stones, wells, rivers, and trees were acknowledged either under their Celtic names, or through the Interpretatio Romana. 



 ケルト聖人たちの人生と行いは、まず、彼らが生きた世界というものを振り返ってみないと、理解できないだろう。イギリス南部は、5世紀初期まで、南ローマ帝国の一部だった。イギリスは43年にローマ帝国に侵略されるのだが、それは、イギリス全土ほとんどが、ローマ帝国の支配を受ける事になる征服戦争の始まりだった。高度な道や町が造られ、新しい社会基盤構造が誕生、その結果、数年の間に、文明の水準が上がる事となった。ローマ帝国は多神教であり、最も重要な女神たちには、ジュピター、ヴィーナス、マーズ、ミネルヴァ、メルクリウス、ダイアナ、サタン、ビクトリア、ネプチューン、セレス、アポロ、そして、プルート、などがいる。ローマ帝国の重要な思想は、古来の女神や神と融合され、新しいローマ式宗教の形式となった。そのため、ケルトの神々は、ローマの保護のもと、新たに生まれ変わった。クランの神であるテウタテスは、戦いと守護の神、ベルトカドロスとコシディウスとして、マーズと同様にみなされた。バースの、温泉の女神は、ローマの女神、ミネルバと融合され、ロズメルダは、マーキュリーの仲間とされた。聖なる石や井戸、川や木など、地域の神々は、ケルトの発音のまま、新訳 ローマ語として認められた。

  Alongside the worship of deities in the Roman pantheon, and dead heroes elevates to divinity, there was the official cult of the spitrit of the emperor. For many this cult was the most contentious religious issue, being the cause of the persecution of Druids, Jews, and Christians who could not pay the obligatory homage before the emperor's image. In addition to the official cults of Roman religion, and their Celtic counterperts, there were a number of ethnic and mystery religions in Roman Britain. It is also  likely that there were Jews, worshiping according to their religious beliefs. The mystery religions included the veneration of the Egyptian goddes, Isis, in her Hellennic aspect as Isis Panthea, the personification of all goddesses. This religion was important in Britain, as attested by the largest temple of Isis north of the Alps that stood in Roman London. There was also the fertility cult of Cybele, the great mother goddess of Asia Minor; the sky-god mysteries of Jupiter Dolichenus; the ecstatic religion of cultus of Mithras, and the Christian faith, which also excluded women from the priesthood. Several of these religions approachad monotheism, either overtlly or practically.


 Although Druidism had been extirpated in southern Britain by the Romans in the year 61, by the end of Roman rule in Britain, the Celtic priesthood still flourished to the South in Gaul, to the west in Ireland and to the north among the Picts. It is likely that, once Roman rule had ended, Druidic traditions were reestablished in the former colony, that had once been the center of the religion. The disintegration of Roman rule was accompanied by invasions of Picts in the north, Irish in the west, Angles, Saxons, and Jutes in the east and south. Religiously, some of the Romano British were Christian, whilst others remained faithful to paganism.


aya-kobayashi-manita 's 翻訳 Try It ! ~pupils with heart~



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